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Release 1.2 - V2 Delta Archives

This release introduces a new implementation of the archiving process which provides a few benefits over the older archives. This release also fixes a lot of bugs and improves performance in various places. Here’s a list of what have changed:

For a full list of issues that have been worked on in this release, checkout the GitHub Issues page here

To download BeatSaberKeeper, click here to go to the Release page.

V1 Archives

At this date, BeatSaberKeeper can still read older archive versions. However since this introduced more complexity, V1 archives will be phased out with a later (yet unplanned) version. Creating new V1 archives is not possible anymore. When updating a V1 archive, BSK will delete the existing archive and create a new V2 archive. The archive version is displayed in the backup list in the main window under “Arc. Ver.” and is also visible in the “Properties” dialog available in the context or “File” menu.